Myth or Fact: Only older women get breast cancer

Myth busted! ❌ Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate based on age. In Zimbabwe, the peak age for diagnosis is actually between 40 and 50. No matter your age, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and schedule regular check-ups. Here’s a quick guide to recommended screenings 👇🏾

🎀25-34 years: Clinical Breast Exam by a nurse or doctor (CBE) every 1-3 years. 

🎀35-39 years: CBE and Ultrasound OR mammography* every 1-3 years.

🎀40-74 years: CBE + Mammography annually.

🎀75 years and older: Discuss with your doctor.

*Mammography may be recommended for women with a higher risk of breast cancer (affected first degree relatives e.g. mother or sister, previous abnormal breast biopsy, previous chest wall radiotherapy, previous breast cancer).

Remember, early detection is key. Let’s prioritise our health!

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