The 3 types of blocked fallopian tubes

Fallopian tube blockages can occur in different parts of the tube, affecting a woman’s ability to conceive. Blockages can prevent eggs from reaching the uterus or sperm from reaching the egg, leading to fertility issues. The location of the blockage is crucial in determining both the cause and the treatment 👇🏾

✴️ Proximal: Near the uterus, where the fallopian tube begins. 

✴️ Medial: Found in the middle section of the tube, often caused by scarring or inflammation. 

✴️ Distal: Located near the end of the tube, close to the ovaries and fimbriae.

If you have been diagnosed and would like to learn more about blocked fallopian tubes, please send us a message online or visit our website  

Myth or Fact: Only older women get breast cancer

Myth busted! ❌ Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate based on age. In Zimbabwe, the peak age for diagnosis is actually between 40 and 50. No matter your age, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and schedule regular check-ups. Here’s a quick guide to recommended screenings 👇🏾

🎀25-34 years: Clinical Breast Exam by a nurse or doctor (CBE) every 1-3 years. 

🎀35-39 years: CBE and Ultrasound OR mammography* every 1-3 years.

🎀40-74 years: CBE + Mammography annually.

🎀75 years and older: Discuss with your doctor.

*Mammography may be recommended for women with a higher risk of breast cancer (affected first degree relatives e.g. mother or sister, previous abnormal breast biopsy, previous chest wall radiotherapy, previous breast cancer).

Remember, early detection is key. Let’s prioritise our health!

Why should I test bone density?

As we age, our bones naturally lose mass, which can lead to osteoporosis — a condition where bones become fragile and more likely to fracture. Testing bone density is essential for detecting early signs of bone loss, particularly in women, who are at higher risk as they age. A bone density test or DEXA scan, helps assess the strength and health of your bones, allowing for early intervention and treatment if needed. To learn more about bone density testing please send us a message online or visit our website  

How is the FTR Procedure Performed?


Fallopian Tube Recanalisation (FTR) is a minimally invasive procedure designed to clear blockages in the fallopian tubes, to improve the likelihood of pregnancy. The procedure follows these 4 steps 👇🏾

1️⃣ An intravenous drip is placed and short acting medication is given for sedation. 

2️⃣ A speculum is then placed in the vagina and a catheter is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. 

3️⃣ A liquid dye called ‘contrast’ is injected through a catheter to fill and examine the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

4️⃣ When the blockage is found, a small, soft microwire is threaded through the fallopian tube to clear the blockage.

If you have been diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes and would like to learn more, please send us a message online or visit our website  

What does Gynaecological Imaging do?

Gynaecological imaging plays a vital role in understanding women’s reproductive health. These studies include transabdominal and transvaginal pelvic ultrasounds, which provide detailed views of reproductive organs. There are also pelvic floor ultrasounds to evaluate urinary incontinence and prolapse, along with specialised deep endometriosis ultrasounds. These imaging methods are crucial for diagnosing various conditions, ensuring women receive accurate assessments and tailored treatment options for optimal reproductive health. If you would like to learn more about gynaecological imaging please send us a message online or visit our website

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Knowledge is power. Swipe through to learn the signs and symptoms of breast cancer 🎀 #KnowYourBody

Health Literacy Month

October is Health Literacy Month, and there has never been a better time to gain understanding and insights to your health as a whole. At MIC Radiology Group, we know that knowledge is key to making informed decisions about your well-being. If you are seeking clarity through medical imaging, it is our privilege to partner with you on that journey. Happy Health Literacy Month to all!

Introduction to Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Mark your calendar! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🎀 This October, let’s prioritise health! Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women. Schedule your mammogram today and #KnowYourBody